Social and Professional Empowerment of Vulnerable Mothers
Mothers often experience barriers when it comes to entering the labor market, even though many of them are motivated to gain working experience and becoming financially self-reliable.
The project ‘BLOOM - Pathways to an autonomous future for mothers’ contributes to the social and professional empowerment of vulnerable mothers in Romania and the Netherlands while improving the skills of professionals in nonformal adult education with regard to this target group.
Our main motivation is that every woman should have access to life-long learning, no matter what her background or experience is.
Supporting vulnerable mothers in taking the next step towards education, participation or the labour market with a structured approach
Improving the training and coaching skills of professionals in non-formal adult education with regards to this target group
Improving the partners and networks of partners capability to reach and support vulnerable mothers
Promoting the implementation of the methodology with other organizations that reach this target group, like midwifery practices, maternity and neonatal care organisations, social (women) grassroot organisations, and parent- and child centres.
6 training sessions dedicated to 20 single and vulnerable mothers involved in the program, 10 from each contry (18 hours of group activity and 1.5 hours of individual work on e-learning platforms)
Train the trainers - An intensive training in Bucharest for 6 trainers (4 from Romania, 2 from Netherlands) based on the specific needs of the target group (vulnerable mothers)
Developing a flexible toolkit with empowerement trainings specifically designed to cater to the needs of vulnerable mothers, including a trainers manual and handbook, a workbook for participants, in 3 languages (eng, nl, ro)
Stichting Netwerkpro
Since 2015, Netwerkpro has been guiding more than 1250 people from vulnerable target groups to participation, education and paid work through our unique and successful empowerment- networking and development programs. In collaboration with municipalities, businesses and cooperation partners, we implement comprehensive programs that do justice to the background and specific needs of the target groups. Our main beneficiaries are women (and men) with a migrant background, single mothers, women from on welfare benefits and youth.
Caregivers is active in the non-formal educational field since 2015, specialized in social marketing. The educational activity is built on two main pillars: maternities and schools/kindergartens. On monthly bases, we reach 90% of all the women that give birth in Romania, with educational material and a program that supports them and their families. Year on year we reach the schools with the puberty program build with our partners, activating in Romania around 60,000 girls per year and 5,000 boys, and growing. Caregivers are also experts in building partnerships in communities and reaching their target groups through collaboration with different networks of stakeholders.
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